30 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Moses Mendelssohn for the kids

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You don't see this every day. Here's a "Teacher's Guide To Moses Mendelssohn, Pioneer in Modern Judaism," published by the Union of American Hebrew Congregation's Commission on Jewish Education. Although I don't see a date, my guess is approximately 1960. It is a guide for a teacher to use while slides are shown on a projector. You can download it here. The original comes from here.

Many parts of it are interesting, such as this note toward the beginning addressing what to say if a student brings up the fact that Mendelssohn's children converted to Christianity:

Then there is the page which illustrates the saying that 'From Moses to Moses, none came unto Israel like Moses' (see here).

Mostly (or entirely) based on Euchel's Toldot Ha-Rambaman, the filmstrips begin at the beginning, with a portrayal of baby Mendelssohn's cradle placed next to his father teaching Torah to children:

He is shown leaving home for Berlin, where he will continue to study with his rebbi, R. David Fraenkel:

Iconic images, based on the painting of him playing chess with Lessing:

Here is seen explaining to Kaiser Friedrich why he dared write a critical review of his book of poems. They were in French, and Mendelssohn argued that it is a shame that he didn't write in German. And his wedding to Fromet Guggenheim is depicted:

Of course it would get around to his Chumash and opposition:

And a scene depicting him catching ill, which finally did him in. The reference to his letter meant to "prove Lessing's loyalty to ethical religion" refers to the posthumous outing/accusation that Lessing was a Spinozist, which which meant atheism in 1780s Berlin, and still a shocking charge.

A description of the 'Mitzvah Tanz' circa 1600.

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Here's Buxtorf the Elder's discussion of the Mitzva Tanz in the 1643 German edition of his Synagoga Judaica (Juden-Schul; 1603). From Chapter 28.
Translation from the 1657 English edition:
After these sports and childish fooleries, they fall to feast their bellies in good earnest ; after dinner they dance many Giggs, and Capering Currantos, and when they are about to depart and to put a period to these nuptial sports, dance a dance called Mitzuah, The commandment, or marriage pavia, because it was commanded by God himself.  
This they dance in this manner, the chief man at the table takes the Bridegroom by the hand, he another, and so every one his fellow, even so many as have any skill in dancing, takes one another by the hand. So likewise the chief matron and most honourable woman in the company joynes hands with the Bride, and all the rest with one another. Dancing hand in hand and making great noise with their feet, and in this manner put an end to their marriage rites and sports. 
Here is a modern translation, which is simply not half as fun:
After this enjoyable entertainment, the real meal is offered. They are happy, and do not think much about Jerusalem. They dance and leap, as everyone who has seen it knows. 
At the end of the wedding they hold a dance which they call the Mitzva dance, that is a dance which is held at a wedding because of the law of God. The most eminent person present takes the groom by the hand, and they follow one another. Also the preeminent woman takes the bride, and all women follow, and they all dance round in a large circle. It is a horrible tossing about, and with that they conclude the joyous wedding feast.

Shadal's series #11 - coping with the loss of a daughter.

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Certainly not to minimize the many tragic losses people suffer every day, yet there can be little doubt that in earlier times untimely death was lurking ever closer, with minor illnesses posing greater threats. Hardly a family was untouched by the Grim Reaper and the loss of a child or more. So it was with Shadal, who lost several of his children. Originally, the apple of his eye was his eldest son, Ohev Ger, who many believed (the father included) was possessed with an even greater mind than his father. He died in 1853, aged 23, and with him Shadal's dream of a scholarly successor. 
Of his other children's deaths, one which struck him particularly hard was the loss of his 18 year old daughter Miriam, who died the night after Shavuot, 1862. He had grown extremely close to Miriam, his oldest child by his second wife, and as we shall see, he studied with her, and of her own initiative she made herself very helpful to him. Always a man dealing with his own illnesses, he had become blind in one eye as a relatively young man. In his middle age he also lost most sight in his good eye, and of course this constrained him, since pretty much all he did was read and write. Miriam stepped up and from that point on she copied all his letters (his practice had been to actually write two copies of each letter, one to send and one to save). From time to time Shadal letters turn up on the market. If you have one from those later years, it may have been written by Miriam.
When she suddenly became sick and then died, he was heartbroken, as all parents are. He wrote movingly of this loss several times.
In the 1870s Shadal's son, the physician Isaia Luzzatto, began to publish many of his father's letters and writings. In 1878 he had an index of Shadal's letters printed, the Index raisonné des livres de correspondance de feu Samuel David Luzzatto, which not only lists all (or at least many) of Shadal's letters, broken down by date and language, but also includes short notes describing the content of many of them. The purpose of this index was to pave the way and whet the appetite of the public for the actual collected letters, which were eventually published in two separate collections; Igrot in Hebrew, and Epistolario, which gathered letters written in Italian, French and Latin. Isaia also included some specimens of letters at the end of the Index, as well as a couple of French poems, of a personal nature. One of them was written on the loss of Miriam and is dated the day after she died. Here is my translation:
6 June 1862 
My Daughter is No More 
After thirteen days of illness
(Febris miliaris)
At 2:30 this morning 
She ceased living.
She was a force of brightness,
A superior mind.
Disregarding human weaknesses
(without affectations)
Extremely rare for her sex. 
Like that! my last hope vanished
I had hoped for a son, my pupil. (I had a lot of trouble with this line. Help?) 
She studied with me all of the Torah,
Also half of Kohelet
And after learning that 'all is Vanity,'
At eighteen years
She left this world.

He wrote at least two more letters describing her virtues and his devastation at the loss. One was written in French, the same month, and is printed on the next page in the Index:
It describes how he continued to cope with the loss. Here is my translation:
". . . the world lost an angel of virtue, intelligence, diligence, modesty and beauty. A mind superior to its age and sex. She lived 18 happy years, then began to suffer, for her mind was above rank. Death delivered its inevitable sentence. Her father and mother remain forever inconsolable; this affliction will not fail to produce its positive effects. . . The wise man knows he is an instrument for the Most High, and he sees this.  
"At first he is angered when events do not go his own way: ×œ×�ויל יהרג כעש ('Anger kills the foolish man' Job 5.2). Then he adjust to the will of one wiser than his, and strives to task it imposes on him. It does not yield to blind necessity - it obeys the supreme wisdom. He is not a Stoic. He is not a bigot. He sees the final reasons, he loves the eternal wisdom, and is happy to go where it calls, ×•×“×™ בזה, and this is enough.  
"Sir, I received your two letters. Your words, your sympathy have relieved my pain . . ."

Finally, he wrote a Hebrew letter to Eliezer Lipmann Silbermann about one month after Miriam died. Here it is:

"God's hand touched me and took her from me these 30 days ago, the eve after Shavuot - the beloved of my soul, my only daughter[1] Miriam, aged 18. None was like her with her combined qualities of intelligence, good character and beauty. This has further weakened and aged me, all the more as I see my wife in great sadness, inconsolable.  My daughter had no other teacher but her mother, who read with her French, Italian, and German authors, and with all this, she was constantly involved in the housework, major and minor work, ironing and so forth. She even taught herself to write in Rashi script and to read and write Greek. She began to copy my letters, for her desire all her days was to help and assist, without any self-aggrandizement. Her face appeared like God's angel, delightful to all who saw her. Her wisdom and righteousness were apparent in her countenance, while she was modest and quiet. She was healthy and strong all her life, and in 13 days she took ill and died, and no one knows what her illness was. "
[1] His first daughter, Regina Malkah, was born in 1833 and died in 1851, also aged 18.

Krochmal complains that it's hard to speak to all Jews.

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Here's a great excerpt from a letter from Nachman Krochmal to Shadal, bearing the date of  1st day rosh chodesh Elul 5536/ Aug. 25, 1836.

"[The Rambam] conveyed his teachings of the inner part of the Torah only to the Arab Jews of Spain, including those of neighboring Provence. The rest of the Jews were as if they didn't exist, since there was such little bonds of communication with them then. But now, how does one speak one way, with the same message, that will be acceptable and able to penetrate the hearts of Italian Jews and Oriental Jews? In the ears of those in Germany who think they are scholars, and in those who think they are hasidim in Poland and Russia? Even if these communities are all still far apart in location and views, there is still no little connection between them nowadays. They all know each other, and despise each other. Each group of Jews feels that if its views and approach were adopted by the others, the redemption would arrive!"
(From Letteris' Mikhtevei Benei Kedem, pg. 66.)

A list of educated Jews throughout history.

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The amazing hebrewbooks.org has a fascinating and rare pamphlet called Reshimos Anshei Mofes published in Rausnitz in 1838 (supplied by the YIVO library, its owner was the great bibliographer Benjacob)

It's author, Joseph Flesch, intended it as a compilation of "mighty scholars, old and new, who distinguished themselves by their commentaries on the Bible, as great grammarians, Hebraists and experts in other languages ... who grasped Talmudic and various other branches of knowledge." In doing so he hoped to show the panoply of great Jewish scholars throughout the ages. Arranged alphabetically, by first name, and also chronologically - his first entry, under aleph, is Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus amd the last, under aleph, is Rabbi Abraham Geiger. He tries to list everyone he can think of. Thus, there is Ptolemy (who spearheaded the LXX, he thinks), Spinoza and Salomon Maimon, alongside various Tannaim and posekim. Each entry is accompanied with a few words or lines of biography, explaining why they are on the list. For obvious reasons, the more recent ones (18th and 19th century) are the most interesting.

Oirignally I thought it might be interesting to type out his complete list of names, only arranged chronologically. I got this far, and then thought that I have better things to do:

73 R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
80 Onqelos Ha-ger
173 R. Eliezer Ha-qalir (that's right)/ or 970, he adds, according to R. S.J. Rapoport
219 R. Oshaiah
900 Adonim/ Dunash ibn Labrat
950 Menachem ben Saruk
1037 R. Aharon ben Asher
1050 Avicena
1105 Avraham b. Yihye
1174 Avraham ibn Ezra
1180 Avraham ben Dior
1180 Avraham ben Chisda
1200 Avraham ben David, Rabad
1200 Ibn Rushad
1238 R. Eliezer of Worms
1247 R. Eliezer ben Nathan Ashkenazi
1250 R. Abraham Maimonides
1286 R. Aharon Halevi of Barcelona
1286 R. Isaac Tirnau
1290 R. Aharaon ben Yoseph of Kairwan
1305 R. Asher ben Yechiel
1350 R. Aharon ben Elijah of Cairo
1400 R. R. Elijah Bashyatzi
1463 R. Abraham Bibago
1490 R. Elijah Delmedigo
1509 R. Elijah Mizrahi
1509 or 1523 R. Abraham de Balmes

so instead I will list some of  interesting people he gives in his chain-of-tradition. In no particular order:

- R. Shimon ben Yochai is the "baal ha-Zohar"
- He lists R. Isaac Bernays, only for some reason he calls him R. Shlomo Bernays, and is under the impression that he is the "Chacham of the Sephardim in Hamburg."
- On the last page he adds some young rabbis and scholars who are educated and making positive impressions on the youth. Among them future Chief Rabbi of Great Britain "Adler, darshan and mochiach in Hannover) and Frankel of Dresden.
- You have R. Pinchas Halevi Horowitz  (Haflaah) but not a contemporary rabbi, R. Moshe Sofer, his student. But you do have R. Moshe Kunitz.
- For some reason he decided that Maimonides' father's name was Yoseph, and that Maimon was the family name.

There are several other examples of the maskilic chains of tradition. Yitzchak Baer Levinsohn included one in his Teudah Be-yisrael, and R. Samson Rafael Hirsch's uncle Moses Mendelssohn Frankfurter of Hamburg also wrote one, although it was only published in 1872, in his Pene Tevel.

26 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

On visiting the Garden of Eden.

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The 16th century Tishbi lexicon of R. Elijah Bahur (Levita) has some really fascinating entries. On Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) he first explains its usage in rabbinic texts, and then addresses the obvious question: can't you visit?

"The Sages called the enjoyable place where the righteous receive their reward "Garden of Eden," after the the garden which the Lord planted in Eden and placed the first man in, since it is the choicest place on earth, without a doubt. Therefore the named this enjoyment the "Garden of Eden." Some ask, if we know that it is in a place called Eden, and we were given various signs, such that it is east of Eden, why is it that no man has seen the place and its garden? The response is that without a doubt many people have gone there! But all who go do not return, because of the great pleasures there. Who is the fool who would leave the Garden of Eden? All remain there. Or, perhaps the reason is the ever-whirling flaming sword (Gen. 3:24) is still whirling and no one can enter."
R. Yeshaya Berlin-Pick's note here (2002 edition) says that it is certainly the ever-whirling sword that prevents people going. He adds that Levita's first answer is only a joke. 

Italian to English and French to English translations

To contact us Click HERE

Current address

Viale Cermenate 1

20141 Milan


tel. 00 39 02 89 51 34 73

mobile: 00 39 331 316 39 38

email: unwin@tiscali.it

September 2007 - present

Italian to English freelance translator:-

general commercial

market research related


various industrial sectors (eg. textiles, telecommunications etc.)



financial services


Current freelance translation availability: full time.

Some freelance English teaching in Milan, concluded in Spring 2010.

January 1998 – July 2007

Freelance translator, as above,

And international market research project manager, based in Milan, Italy.

All market research projects were for international clients; so always with a strong translation element.

Every project included several of the elements below:-

- translation of data/results from Italian into English:



desk research data

interview transcripts

- translation of research materials into Italian (for which I proof-read work done by a mother-tongue translator):


discussion guides

communications material (eg. advertising messages)

product descriptions (eg. new pharmaceutical product concepts)

stimulus material

Market research projects covered a wide range of markets:-

consumer products/services

industrial products/services

healthcare products/services

September 1996 – January 1998

International market research project manager, specialising in Italy and France, at BPRI, London, UK.

Projects were international and so with a strong translation element, as in the previous entry.

September 1994 – September 1996

International market research project manager, at SGR International, Rome, Italy

All projects were for international clients and so had a strong translation element, as in the previous entries.

There was particular emphasis on healthcare/pharmaceutical work, as well as general consumer.

September 1992-September 1994

Research executive in international market research, at BMS, in London, UK, specialising in Italy.

All projects were international in character and so had a strong translation element, as in previous entries.

Markets covered were mainly business to business products and services, with some consumer markets, eg. -

retail banking equipment

industrial and automotive lubricants

shoes and clothing

January 1992 – September 1992

Graduate trainee in international market research, at Research International, in London, UK.

September 1990 – January 1992

English language teacher at Inlingua in Naples and, from September 1991, in schools in London

October 1987 – June 1990

Cambridge University

Upper second degree in history

Internships at Raychem (technology multinational), near Paris, in the two Summer long vacations

September 1986 – September 1987

‘Gap’ year in Paris, improving language skills.

To June 1986

Beaumont School, St. Albans, England

3 ‘A’ grade A-levels (History, French, Economics)

10 (9 ‘A’ grade) O-levels (including French, Latin and Greek)

Date of Birth:


St. Albans, UK


Fluent in Italian and French.

Bilingual Italian and Spanish translations

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Bilingual Italian and Spanish

Date of birth 20/05/1979

Place of birth: Bagno di Romagna

FC ( Italy)


Calle panamà 20

47100 Sevilla

28008 Spain

Date of birth



0034 671407038

Contacts detail


skype account: serafosca

msn- serafosca@hotmail.it


Website www.virtualelingua.com


EN-IT, FR-IT, ES-IT, DE-IT, ZH-IT, ZH-ES ( Mandarin- Simplified Chinese)


All the texts will be revised by another linguist in order to guarantee the best quality


New Renewable energy ( Photovoltaic Power Station); Fashion ( Translation for the Inditex Group); Legal, Financial, Banking report, Contracts, auditing, EU Tenders, EU Agriculture and Food Tenders, , EU Immigration Policy, EU Economics, Marketing ( SEO), E- Commerce, Web site Localization, Technical texts ( Aviation, Engineering, Electronics, Mechanics, Automotive), Public notary document, Business brochure, Business plan, Real estate contracts, sport cloth and accessories, Economy, Sociology, Tourism, Software Localization, Translation of Medical equipment, Pharmacy, games, Website Localization, Tourism, Patents


Perfect knowledge of Microsoft office, Power point, Word fast, In Design, PageMaker


Transit, Déjà Vu, TRADOS SDLX 2007, Studio 2009, Passolo


Translation: starting from 0, 04 cents of euro.

Proofreading: = 0, 02


1 year German advanced course 2009-Tandem private language school

Berlin Germany

SEO Course and Website Localization Course- XTRARED Sevilla

Master in Legal Translation Valencia 2008

HSK Jiao Tong Daxue. Shanghai China. 2007

TEFL Certificate. Barcelona 2005


DELE- Certificado Nivel superior.

Degree in foreign Literature and foreign language. English and Chinese. Bologna University 2004.

Advanced English language course. Emerald cultural Institute.1999

Linguistic high degree in English, French and German. 1966-1999



CIF: B 15448293

Rua Nueva 18 - 2 Izda

A Coruña 15003

Translation for the Inditex Group of Fashion material, translation of legal documents, Marketing, Culinary, Technical texts

Bluechip Translations

+34 93 363 26 80

Josep Tarradellas, 149 7-2

08029 Barcelona SPAIN

Translation of technical texts, Legal text, Eu Policy, Legal and Financial, Marketing

ACB Medical translation

Mrs Auke Bowman,


Translation of Medical Texts and Medical equipment manuals, Pharmacy. Marketing text, Finance and Banking, pharmaceutical and medical equipment, website localization, Business brochure, Pharmacy., Eu tenders, Eu documents ( Economics, contracts, Sociology):

Modus translation

Savona, Italia

Translation of Medical texts, technical texts, legal texts, Marketing, Economy, Finance, website Localization, banking, legal contracts, notary document, financial texts.

-Fernando Salvetti Professor at Turin University

Logos kwnoledge, Switzerland

Translation of Medical texts, EU tenders, Finance, Marketing, Economy, Sociology, website localization, Business brochures,

Uryas International


Translation of patents, Translation of EU tenders

-PAS Translations GmbH
Höher Strasse 4
34454 Bad Arolsen

Translation of Medical texts, technical manuals, Marketing texts, contracts etc,

Medical equipment, medical questionnaires, Pharmacy

1/09/2008 until 31/12/2008

Chinese link worker

Federacion mujeres progresistas,

Ribera de Curtidores 3, Madrid.

Interpreter from Chinese into Spanish and English.

Translator and editor of financial texts, contracts, agreement, financial texts.

Translator of Eu documents related to Immigration and EU Community project.

1/01/2007 Free lance collaboration.

Atriex agency, Bajadoz, Spain

Translator free lance proof-reader and interpreter

Tourist guide for the Junta de Extremadura ( Spanish federal government):

1/ 01/ 2006 until now

Gsk Glaxosmith and Kline Pharmaceutical Company

Tres Cantos, Madrid Spain

Translation of Medical texts, equipment and Pharmaceutical texts.

1/02/2006 Free lance collaboration

Virtual village,

Hu bei lu, Shanghai.

Translation of Medical texts, Finance and Economy, technical texts, tourist texts, marketing ( SEO)

3/10/2006 until 1/ 12/2007

FLE Shanghai Co. Ltd.

3591, Tower B, City Center

No.100 Zunyi Road

Shanghai, 200051, China

Translator of Medical texts, technical texts ( Mechanics and Electronics), Marketing ( SEO), legal texts, Contract, E-Banking, Website localization,

1/02/2005 until 1/09/2005

Planeta De Agostini avenida Diagonal n32

Barcelona Spain

Literary translator

Translations from English Spanish French into Italian of comics.

1/ 02/2003 until 1/11/2004


Piave road, 41, Cesena, FO, Italy

Website localization and Marketing ( CEO)

4 February 2000 until 12 September 2003

ST Egligton street, Karma Translation

Galway, Ireland

Translation project coordinator and free lance translator

Management of the free lance and in house translator, emailing, invoices.

Translation of Finance and Marketing report, Technical texts, Marketing, legal texts, tourist texts, website localization.

Localization and DTP services in the major Asian and European languages

To contact us Click HERE

Dear Sir/Madam,

We offer your company our translation, localization and DTP services in the major Asian and European languages as means of support for your communication efforts.

LocaTran Translations is a professional translation company based in Shanghai China. Our services focus on software and website localization, technical document translation and multilingual DTP. We deliver translations in most of the Asian languages, including Simplified Chinese (Mandarin), Traditional Chinese (Cantonese), Japanese, Korean, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese and Indonesian. Upon request we can also provide translation into European languages, such as Russian, Czech, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.

Our professional translators are native speakers of the target languages, and they’re chosen for linguistic skill and technical expertise. Each translator has an academic background that matches the content of the project to which he or she is assigned. In addition to a team of excellent translators, LocaTran employs translation editors, all of whom are specially trained senior professionals. Our editors check the translations and improve them where necessary, thus achieving the best possible results.

Our team consists of expert translators with specializations in various fields such as technical, medical, chemical, financial, marketing and legal (patents and intellectual property). Moreover, we have excellent software engineers and quality assurance editors who can localize any software product or website. On top of that, our translation team has good knowledge and experience with translation tools such as Trados and SDLX.

LocaTran offers a wide range of services:

Technical translation

Proofreading and editing

Financial translation

Linguistic testing

Legal translation

Desktop publishing

Medical translation

Typesetting and graphics

Patent translation

Transcription service

Medical translation

On-site interpreting

Software localization

Consecutive interpreting

Website localization

Simultaneous interpreting

For your convenience, here are the rates we offer:

Source Language

Target Language


€/per word


Simplified Chinese (Mandarin)

0.035 – 0.045


Traditional Chinese (Cantonese)

0.035 – 0.045


Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Gujarati, Hindi, Indonesian, Malay, Marathi, Mongolian, Punjabi, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese, Croatian, Khmer, Lao, Mongolian, Nepali, Russian, Tagalog, Turkish

0.07 – 0.10


German, French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian

0.06 – 0.09

Italian, German, Spanish, French


0.05 - 0.06

Desktop Publishing (DTP)

3-4 per page

Minimum charge


CAT and DTP Tools



Adobe FrameMaker

Adobe PageMaker

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign




Adobe PhotoShop

Adobe Acrobat


Payment method:

We accept payments through: PayPal, Moneybookers, Western Union or Bank Transfer.

Thanks for your attention. We look forward to receiving the opportunity to provide you with a quote for your next translation project.

Faithfully yours,

Eric Liu


LocaTran Translations Ltd.
-- Translation, Localization & DTP Services

Email: info@locatran.com | localtrans@vip.163.com
MSN: eric_localization@hotmail.com | Skype: locatran_sh
Tel: +86-21-63760188 | Fax: +86-21-60919222
Mobile: +86-13813906296

French,English to Portuguese translator 0.05 Euro/w

To contact us Click HERE

mesHugo Alexandre Manito Diogo Barbosa

Rua António José da Loura, 4, 4º Dto.,

Quinta dos Fidalguinhos,

2835-320 Lavradio, Barreiro,


Tel: 351-966516880

E-mail: hugo.barbosa.pt@netcabo.pt


Graduation in Translation & Interpretation

Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL)


Work Languages



Portuguese - European (native language)


Laptop Pentium dual core 2.6; 2G RAM; HD 350 G

Wireless connection (to ensure permanent communication with clients)


Windows XP Professional / Windows 7

Microsoft Office XP / 2007

Internet Explorer 8


Satellite PE

Wordfast 5

Experience (alphabetic order)

Accu – Translations Services Limited (UK)

  • Home appliances manuals (vacuum cleaners, refrigerators).

  • Industrial scissor lift platform manuals for Skyjack.

Adams Translations (United States)

  • Manuals for ViaVideo, software for videoconference on PC.

Aldus Communications (Canada)

  • Commercial agreements.

All Languages (Canada)

  • HTML documents proofreading. Contents of pages: Hotvoice, a company specialized in e-business.

A-Script Translations (Romania)

  • Marketing documents for SIM cards and mobile phones.

ASG (France)

  • User manual for portable radio (electronic equipment).

Atelier Soustitre (Spain)

        • Subtitling of TV Series (24; Curb Your Enthusiasm; Murder, She Wrote; 4400; Roswell and others).

Atlas Translations (UK)

        • Industrial machinery.

        • Industrial food processing machinery (potato chips).

The Big Word (United Kingdom)

  • Large manual (50,000 + words) for operating digging machines.

  • Slideshow presentations of Peugeot’s automobiles.

  • Fax manual for Brothers Industries.

  • Several marketing documents for Ford.

Bowne Global Solutions (United States)

  • Mobile phone manual from Mitsubishi for model Eclipse XL.

Business Language Services (United Kindgom)

  • Human Resources documents for Spie Trindel.

Biscaygo Translations (Japan)

  • Operating system for boat engines (gauges, fuel consumption meters, etc.)

Cartwright Language Services (UK)

  • Technical documents about the assembly and operation of electrical and mechanical systems of automated wheelchairs.

Cabessa Translations

  • Marketing documents for Peugeot and IPSO.

  • Consummer satisfaction surveys.

CodeXchange (Taiwan)

  • Extensive hardware documentation.

  • Small read me and string files for game controllers.

  • Translation of fax/modem manual Netdeliver V2000 from Avision Inc.

Compaq (United States)

  • Hardware and software components. Highly technical material.

Compass Languages (UK)

  • Operation manual for processing line for chips (potatoes).

Crimson Language Services (United States)

  • Telecommunication/computer system for processing and management of national lottery games.


  • Building construction and engineering.

Elite Language Productions L.C. (United States)

  • Post-it software for Windows 98.

Endress + Hauser (Germany)

  • Waste disposal systems.

Etcetera (USA(

        • Siemens Horizontal Boring Mill Manuals.

        • Giddings & Lewis Machinery Manuals.

Eureco (Italy)

  • Manuals for the new BMW Mini vehicle. Highly technical automotive systems.

Fohigh Technological Translation Co. Ltd. (Tawain)

  • Software localization of digital cameras software.

Globaware (France)

  • Translation of HMTL pages for e-commerce on the World Wide Web.

  • User guide for EGG Photo 360 Software.

Global Translation Systems (United States)

  • IMMULITE 2000 operator’s manual, a software system to handle analysis and diagnosis of pharmaceutical samples with vast medical applications.

  • Software to manage the operation of pharmaceutical devices.

  • Extensive proposal from Multilink to Portugal Telecom to set up a teleconference system in Portugal.

HCR, Estudos e Consultadoria Informática Lda. (Portugal)

  • Software translation (management software and programs with industrial applications).

Inforauto (Portugal/United Kingdom)

  • Translation of powerful software accounting tool for the automobile industry, including help files in HTML format.

International Translators & Interpreters (Canada)

  • Telecommunications manual.

IPFEL SL (Portugal)

  • Translation in the following areas of expertise: Aeronautics; Software/Hardware; Mechanics

  • Member of the Windows 98 translation workgroup.

ITC (France)

  • Technical documents proofreading – operation of industrial machinery.

JBI Localization (United States)

  • Microsoft’s new set top box to enable interactive TV.

  • Translation of interactive pages in the World Wide Web.

Language for Industry (United Kingdom)

  • Manuals describing security procedures in power plants.

  • Turbine operation manuals for Alstom Powers in the UK.

  • Touchpad manual from Synaptics Incorporated.

Lengua/Multimeta (Germany)

  • Web page content

  • ACER brochure describing new range of servers.


  • Manual of DVD/VCD Home Theater System from SANYO.

Lingua Romanica (Denmark)

  • Manual on how to operate a riddling drum machine.

LOGOS International (Italy)

  • Manuals describing tractors, operation and their application in the industry.

M2Limited (United States)

  • Software localization of Human Resources software for corporate use.

Maelis (Portugal)

  • New network system and computer architecture to increase the performance of cellular phones.

  • Xerox documents about documentation management in several areas (judicial, health, education and so forth) using computers and software programs to handle flow of information.

  • All ALCATEL press releases in Portugal. Highly technical content about mobile network operations.

M.E. Services Communication Inc. (United States)

          • Desktop Publishing: newsletters regarding Xerox, Internet & Intranet and software in general.

Mendez (France)

  • Alcatel Sales Handbook for new line of cordless telephones: OmniPCX 4400.

  • Online help files for Alcatel’s OmniOffice, software for managing telecommunications.

  • Brochure describing a range of new products from Honeywell, manufacturer of sensors, indicators, recorders and registers. These products are used in industrial plants.

  • Mitsubishi mobile phone manual.

PTSGI (Tawain)

  • Technical documents, mostly computer- or electronics-related.

Scriptware (The Netherlands)

  • Philips cordless telephone manual.

  • Technical manuals.

  • Heavy machinery manual: operation and maintenance of industrial equipment.

  • Proofreading and translation of TOPCON software manuals for operating medical instruments (cornea analysis, cells analysis, etc.)

Sinomet (USA)

  • Microsoft website for online management of volume license software.

  • Translation of miscellaneous Microsoft websites.

TekniktextAb (Sweden)

  • Large solo project including: manuals about press printing machines, associated software and safety precautions.

  • Documents about safety equipment used in industrial environments.

  • Robotics manual.

Worddoc (United States)

  • Large volume survey about the effects of chemical dumping on soil.

Last update: April. 4th,, 2011